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Diversity and inclusion resources

Want to learn more about diversity and inclusion? You're in the right place.


We're so pleased that you want to help the workplace - and the world - become more diverse and inclusive. You're joining thousands of other people on the same journey: so whether you have five minutes or five hours - get yourself a brew, pull up a pew and start learning!

We've pulled together our favourite resources from across the diversity and inclusion spectrum: just use the handy filters below to choose the topic you want to learn more about, then tell us how long you have to spend this time - we hope you'll come back soon to learn more. 

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Mental health

An hour or more

(Don't) Call Me Crazy

In (Don't) Call Me Crazy, thirty-three actors, athletes, writers, and artists talk about their personal experiences with mental illness and what, exactly, might make someone 'crazy'.

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5-10 minutes

5 Diversity Sins we are all guilty of

Diversity is a hot topic right now and most companies have implemented some form of basic diversity training, at least for line manager level. But despite the wealth of educational materials, news stories and social media hype, there are some major pitfalls that we are all guilty of……

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5-10 minutes

5 Questions to Ask When Setting Targets

Setting Diversity & Inclusion targets? Here are five questions to ask your business before you start.

I spent today with our partners at Gattaca hosting a roundtable with NATS (National Air Traffic Control Services) talking all things inclusion. We covered some really interesting topics, including engaging leadership, data collation and recruitment best practice. But what’s prompted this blog is a conversation at the end of the session about how to set targets for diversity and inclusion…

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5-10 minutes

7 top tips for writing inclusive job ads

In a recent report, the BBC shared some insights around choosing your words carefully when you’re writing a job advertisement. A job ad might sound like a small thing when it comes to your employer brand, and it might feel as though it has very little impact on the balance of diversity in your organization. But it is an organisation’s first interaction with their prospective employees, and whilst it’s tempting just to copy and paste the last job spec, it’s very rarely the right thing to do… Instead, here are my "Magnificent Seven" tips for writing a brilliant and inclusive job ad:

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An hour or more

A Galaxy of Her Own

UK expert Libby Jackson introduces 50 amazing stories of women in space, from the scientists behind the Apollo missions, to the women blazing a trail in the race to get to Mars.

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5-10 minutes

A shareable visual

This infographic from US students at Georgetown University is a great, shareable resource with guidance on how to be an ally. It's a learning curve, but a journey we all need to take.

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Ethnicity & culture

5-10 minutes

Allyship & #BLM

Obioma Ugoala (of Hamilton musical fame) has created a truly wonderful, insightful video about how to be a true ally to the Black Lives Matter movement.

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Unconscious bias

5-10 minutes

An explainer

This Royal Society film will help you get your head around unconscious bias, and understand how addressing it can boost inclusion in the workplace -  and beyond.

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5-10 minutes

Being LGBT+

Half of young LGBT+ people feel they can't be themselves at work for fear of discrimination. In this Vodafone film, people share experiences and learn how to bring change.

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5-10 minutes

Being an LGBT+ Ally

For me — being an LGBT ally is just like being a feminist — if you believe in equality, you are one. But it’s not enough to do this quietly and internally — you have to wear your heart on your sleeve and show your allyship for the world to see.

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5-10 minutes

Closing the gender pay gap

Wednesday 4th April 2018 was gender pay gap day — the date by which organisations in the UK with a workforce of over 250 people had to report on their gender pay gap. For the uninitiated, the “Gender Pay Gap” measurement is the difference between median gross hourly earnings for men and women within an organisation (not to be confused with Equal pay legislation, which refers to the parity in payment between genders for the same work. If you want a nice pithy explanation, this article on explains it neatly).

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5-10 minutes

Counting Diversity, or Making Diversity Count?

Monitoring workplace diversity is critical, but does that do enough to foster a culture of inclusivity?

‘Diversity’: the talented British dance group, data gathering dust in a clogged up filing cabinet, or a meaningful part of organisational culture?

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Unconscious bias

5-10 minutes

Creating A Consciously Inclusive Culture

Being biased is an unfortunate side effect of human nature, and we are all guilty of it, whether consciously or unconsciously. For employers, therefore, creating an inclusive workplace means constantly keeping your finger on the pulse of your organisational culture, being aware of how unconscious bias creeps in, and taking steps to address and prevent it.

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Mental health

5-10 minutes

Dealing With Stress

Stress is something that affects all of us at one point or another, but how do you know if your stress levels are unhealthy? This graphic explores the common physical and mental side effects of stress and how to manage it. 

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An hour or more

Disability Visibility

Activist Alice Wong brings together personal essays, blog posts, manifestos and eulogies by contemporary disabled writers, highlighting the complexity of the disabled experience. 

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30 minutes or so

Disability equality at work

Disabled people continue to face discrimination and barriers in the workplace and in wider society. This guide from the British Council can help employers identify and remove barriers.

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Unconscious bias

An hour or more


June Sarpong put the spotlight on marginalised groups including women, ethnic minorities, those living with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community.

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Unconscious bias

An hour or more

Everyday Bias

If you are human, you are biased. From this fundamental truth, diversity expert Howard Ross explores the biases we each carry within us and how it can impact our working lives.

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Unconscious bias

30 minutes or so

Exposing unconscious bias

This interesting guide takes a more detailed look at hidden bias. It includes a seven step action plan to address biases you might have which could have an impact at work.

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An hour or more

Fantastically Great Women

... Who Changed History. This wonderful children's book is a great read for adults too and features the stories of Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecroft and Boudicca, among others.

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We provide diversity and inclusion consultancy internationally, working with global companies across the U.K., Europe, Asia and America. Our mission is to help our clients create truly inclusive working cultures, build diverse talent pools, and sustain positive change.

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