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Tell us about your experiences at work!

We need you!! If you work and have opinions, we’d love to hear from you. 

We know that within a workplace, and in wider society, we have very different experiences, depending on the various elements of our identities. We also know that if you fall into a group (or at that intersection of multiple groups) which are traditionally less powerful in society, then you’re less likely to have a positive experience. We believe that organisations need to hear from everyone who works for them to take action to address this inequality of experience, but ironically, if you’re part of a less powerful group, your voice is less likely to be heard. 


That’s why we’re launching our most ambitious research project yet, in partnership with our amazing colleagues at great{with}talent. We want to hear from as many people as possible about your experiences at work - the good, the bad and the ugly. 


Our aim is to provide a comprehensive report to share far and wide about trends when it comes to experiences at work, and what needs to happen to narrow the experience gap in all types of organisations. 

How can you help?

1. Participate! Taking 10 minutes out of your day to share your thoughts is incredibly helpful - whoever you are! 

2. Share the questionnaire with your friends, family members, colleagues, clients, neighbours etc - we really want as many perspectives as possible. 

Diversity Students
Chocolate Drink with Marshmallows

What's in it for me?

1. Insight into the experiences of others - we’ll share a copy of our report with you when it's published. 


2. The warm glow of knowing you’re contributing to something which has the potential to really do some good in the world. 

What's in it for companies that participate?

1. Insight into your sector and how it stacks up against others. 

2. For a limited number of organisations, we’re also offering a personalised survey to feed into this bigger research project. This means you get all of the above PLUS a personalised report to give insight into your organisation. For more information, please contact


3. Warm glow. Obviously. 

Image by Content Pixie
Image by Clark Tibbs

I'm in! What do I need to do?

If you’re based in the UK, click here to share your perspectives - it’ll take 10 minutes of your time, and will make a huge difference!

This questionnaire forms the first wave of our research - focussing on the UK. If you are based outside of the UK, you can complete a short form here to contribute your thoughts and experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will what I say be attributed back to me?
No way - protecting our participants’ anonymity is absolutely critical to the way we work. We want to ensure that you feel completely free to share anything you want to. 

How will you use any free text comments I make?
If you’re kind enough to share your thoughts in the free text boxes, we may share them as part of our output report - particularly if you say something we feel will really resonate. We’ll share in this kind of format: 
“I wish that my colleagues knew it is really upsetting when they make jokes about ‘being so OCD’ - as the spouse of a person with severe OCD, I know it’s not a laughing matter”, Respondent from the media sector in the UK.


Will I get to see what comes out of this research?
Yes - all we need is for you to provide your email address, and you’ll be contacted with a copy of the final report when it’s released. We won’t use your details for any other reason. 

What if my employer has sent me this research? Will they know what I’ve said?
Absolutely not, if a company has signed up to receive their own link to complete the survey, they will receive a cut of the data which they can compare to the overall picture we receive. We will always ensure that confidentiality of individuals is maintained, and no data will be shared in a format which could reveal an individual’s identity. 

I’m a business leader and am interested in getting a specific report for my organisation - how does that work?
We can provide a link to the research specifically for your people. You will need to take ownership of sending out the request to participate, and “chasing” your people. We will provide you with a personalised insight report focusing on your organisation, so that you can better understand the perspectives of your employees. If you're interested in this, please drop us a note at

I live and work outside of the UK - how will I get my voice heard?
The survey forms the first wave of our research - focussing on the UK. If you are based outside of the UK, you can complete a short form to contribute your thoughts and experiences.

Research FAQs

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We provide diversity and inclusion consultancy internationally, working with global companies across the U.K., Europe, Asia and America. Our mission is to help our clients create truly inclusive working cultures, build diverse talent pools, and sustain positive change.

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