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What we do

Understanding why diversity and inclusion are important is the first step to creating an inclusive environment. However it doesn’t mean it’s an easy task, which is why for many organisations it falls into the ‘too hard pile’.


We have experience working across the inclusion landscape, and can support you across all facets of the diversity spectrum, including gender balance, LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender +), multiculturalism, disability and carers, age, social mobility and mental health.


Every business is different, so we work with you in a way that suits you – whether that means a one-off intervention, short-term consultancy, embedding someone in your team for the short term, or driving long-term culture change.


We can work with you to challenge barriers to an inclusive culture, through:

Culture Change

Culture Change

Creating and sustaining a truly inclusive working culture takes more than a quick fix: it takes a proactive, consistent approach and concerted effort. We partner with our clients to understand where you are now, and work through the change with you, side by side.

Image by Christina @
Image by Cytonn Photography

Inclusive Hiring

We’re experts in inclusive hiring. We can help with everything from designing the right kind of job ads to shaping the way you go about recruitment, training your hiring managers, and developing a seamless on-boarding experience for both new starters and returners.



Unconscious bias and a lack of knowledge about inclusion are two of the biggest blockers of a truly inclusive organisation. We run engaging, interactive workshops to help people understand these topics, and the actions they need to take to create an inclusive workplace.

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Image by Mapbox

Communicating Change

Once you’ve made the change,

then shout about it!


We have extensive experience in designing and implementing communications strategies to showcase and maximise the impact of your inclusion work, both internally and externally.

Resource Augmenation

Resource Augmentation

We know that sometimes it feels like you need someone “in house” to support the implementation of your work around diversity and inclusion, but that sometimes you need short-term support before your approach is embedded as “business as usual”.


That’s where our brilliant Diversity & Inclusion Specialists come into their own. Part time or full time, over a period of months, we can provide someone you can trust to work as part of your organisation and get things up and running. And you can do this safe in the knowledge that our specialists have the backing of the expertise of our whole company, so you can tap into the “hive brain” that is A New Normal. 

Image by Sharon McCutcheon

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We provide diversity and inclusion consultancy internationally, working with global companies across the U.K., Europe, Asia and America. Our mission is to help our clients create truly inclusive working cultures, build diverse talent pools, and sustain positive change.

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